Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why I Enjoy School

Although many people, including myself, say that they hate school, it is one of the most meaningful places in my life. When I say school, I’m referring to Interlake High School (IHS). Yes of course school may be boring or hard but it has made me the person I am today. School is meaningful to me because of the friends and memories I have made, because it has made me the person I am today, and it is leading me to my future and who I will become. My absolute favorite part about school is the people. Through the 3 years that I have been at Interlake, I have made many friends. Some friends have come and gone, but nonetheless my friends are what make me look forward to coming to school every day. Before I came to Interlake, I was a student in the Snoqualmie Valley School District. I had gone to school with the same kids from kindergarten all the way up until 8th grade. Originally, Mt Si HS was supposed to be the high school that I was going to attend, but once I graduated from 8th grade my parents decided to transfer me to Interlake. I’m glad they did this because the friends I have made at Interlake are 100 times better than any of the friends I ever had growing up in the Snoqualmie Valley School District. I cherish all the friends that I have made at Interlake because without them, I could be a completely different person right now. All together, friends are the number one reason why school is so meaningful to me. Another reason why school is meaningful to me is because it has made me the person I am today. In addition to my friends influencing my path is who I am today, I have also changed due to other acquaintances I have made, and some of the teachers at Interlake. One thing I love about some of the teachers at Interlake is how chill they are. Usually some teachers would try to be an authoritative force that controls the classroom, but certain teachers at Interlake make me feel comfortable in the environment that I’m in and in return I am able to talk with them without being scared of what they may say. When talking to my teachers, some have told me when I’m getting out of line or if I’m changing in a negative way and it really helps me stay on track and not lose focus. What also helps me stay on track are some of the other people at Interlake. Certain individuals at Interlake are menaces to society, and are likely not going to have a very successful future. These individuals influence me on who I want to become because they provide a template on what I shouldn’t do. Even though many others including myself may dislike these individuals as people, I appreciate them for what they have taught me what not to do. Without Interlake HS and the people in it, I may be a completely different person. Lastly, Interlake high school is meaningful to me because it (in addition to college) is what is going to lead me into the rest of my life. In a nutshell, Interlake has given me an education. It didn’t just give me an average education, but a top tier education due to the fact that Interlake is one of the top schools in the state. Again, I was supposed to attend Mt Si high school, but instead I came to Interlake because the academics are at a much higher level than at Mt Si. This education I have acquired is what is going to lead me into the college I am going to. If I had gone to Mt Si, my grades could have been different which would have affected the college that I may get accepted to this upcoming winter and spring. Who is to say what would have happened, but I know in my heart that coming to Interlake has set me up for a better future than what I would have become if I had gone to Mt Si. Lastly, Interlake is meaningful to me because public school in America is free. I appreciate this because not all countries have such accessibility that America does in our schooling system. In conclusion, Interlake is meaningful to me because of the friends I have made, the things that have influenced me to become the person I am today, and because of how its going to influence my future. Without Interlake I could have had completely different friends, been a completely different person, and could have had a completely different future.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human Physical Appearance and Women Essay

Throughout these moments in time, the term beauty has slipped out of control and become something utterly dissimilar. The significance of beauty has developed into something so unappealing, so unpleasant, so repugnant, that even now society is coming to the apprehension that the way they are portraying the description of beauty is erroneous. Over time, ‘beauty’ has evolved to something rather peripheral. Being beautiful is turning into an undesirable act, that most girls will go into extremes, just to get a sense of feeling ‘beautiful. ’ Although beauty is now considered something by which your looks will define, during Greek times â€Å"beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Person’s then were assumed to be what we now have to call – lamely, enviously – whole persons. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person’s â€Å"inside† and â€Å"outside†, they expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind† (313, Sontag). Nevertheless, there was once a time where beauty was interpreted or described as something internal, unlike now, beauty goes more towards the looks. â€Å"Beautiful† people have lots going on for them. They are more confident, make more money, and get promoted faster than their â€Å"less attractive† colleagues. But for the career – driven women, beauty is a no-win situation; the public wants you to be attractive, but, at the same time, not so beautiful that it is off-putting. People might say that looks shouldn’t matter, but in the real world, they do. Women try so hard to look their best, and at the same time, feel their best. Women struggle a lot in trying to â€Å"fit in† to what society sees as being beautiful. Women nowadays alter their body parts, faces, and their diets in order to feel satisfied with themselves. A universal obsession that girls have been approaching with is that that they must be required to look a certain way to be thought of as pretty. Girls look up to celebrities and models and see how skinny, scrawny, almost skeletal, and undernourished they are and they get this idea that they must look like that in order to be noticed. A widespread trend that has been going around has been that of the name anorexia and bulimia. Starving yourself, or eating excessively and then purging – girls see it as something they must do in order to feel good about themselves. They glimpse these famous figures with their collarbones showing, thigh gaps, small waists, and they get this state of mind that they must achieve that to feel beautiful. Society and mass media are barraging women with images that portray what is considered to be the â€Å"ideal body. † Such standards of beauty are almost completely unattainable for most women; a majority of the models displayed on television and in advertisements are well below what is considered healthy body weight. Mass media’s use of such unrealistic models sends an implicit message that in order for a woman to be considered beautiful, she must be unhealthy. And this is what beauty is defined as in our time. Body image is a complicated aspect of the self-concept that concerns an individual’s perceptions and feelings about their body and physical appearance. Females of all ages seem to be so vulnerable in this area, starting off in their pre-teen years, going along throughout their existence. Body dissatisfaction is something that goes through most women or young girls at some point in their lives. Females have been found to experience dissatisfaction with physical appearance at a much higher rate than males, and women of all ages and sizes display body image disturbance. Concern over weight and appearance related issues often surfaces in a woman’s early life. Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating patterns have been found to be an especially prevalent issue in adolescent and college females. Body image becomes a major issue as females go through puberty; girls in mid-adolescence frequently report being dissatisfied with weight, fearing further weight gain, and being preoccupied with weight loss. This is a problem that we are now facing, and because of this many girls are suffering and going through difficult times, juts to feel good about themselves. The 20th century has seen a huge upsurge in the importance placed by Western society on physical beauty, particularly for women. The fashion, cosmetics and plastic surgery industries have thrived on 20th century preoccupation with physical appearance. It is a preoccupation that affects women in every sphere, whether they choose to pander to it or not. Definitions of beauty in the 20th century, when referring to human physical  beauty, are nearly always constructed in terms of outward appearance and sexual attractiveness. Images in the media today project an unrealistic and even dangerous standard of feminine beauty that can have a powerful influence on the way women view themselves. From the perspective of the mass media, thinness is idealized and expected for women to be considered â€Å"attractive. † Images in advertisements, television, and music usually portray the â€Å"ideal woman† as tall, white, and thin, with a â€Å"tubular† body, and blonde hair. This representation that is being portrayed has been a vast difficulty that girls are coming across of. They don’t feel beautiful, thus altering their ways of eating and the way they look very drastically in order to fit in. Only a very small percentage of women in Western countries meet the criteria the media uses to define â€Å"beautiful†; yet so many women are repeatedly exposed to media images that send the message that a woman is not acceptable and attractive if she does not match society’s â€Å"ultra-thin† standard of beauty. In recent years, women’s body sizes have grown larger, while societal standards of body shape have become much thinner. This discrepancy has made it increasingly difficult for most women to achieve the current sociocultural â€Å"ideal. † Such a standard of perfection is unrealistic and even dangerous. Many of the models shown on television, advertisements, and in other forms of popular media are approximately 20% below ideal body weight, thus meeting the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa. Research has repeatedly shown that constant exposure to thin models fosters body image concerns and disordered eating in many females. Almost all forms of the media contain unrealistic images, and the negative effects of such idealistic portrayals have been demonstrated in numerous studies. The mass media’s depiction of women portrays a standard of beauty that is unrealistic and unattainable for a majority of women in society. Models shown in all forms of popular media are often under what is considered healthy body weight, which sends a powerful message that women must sacrifice their health to be considered attractive by societal standards. The negative effects of ultra-thin media images of women have been well documented; research has shown that females who are repeatedly exposed to and internalize the thin ideal are at greater risk to develop body image disturbance and eating pathology. Although it is clear that the media influences the way women view themselves, it is unclear how this process takes place. The social comparison theory, cultivation theory, and self-schema theory can be used to examine how media images of women come to affect the way women feel about their bodies and physical appearance. These perspectives also give some explanation for why some women show resilience to the negative effects of the media, while others are dramatically impacted. Nevertheless, beauty has become something rather disturbing and unwell. The image of beauty has been portrayed onto something so popularized that mostly all women around the world are being affected by it. Women are changing their ways and changing themselves to feel as if they fit in to what society expects of it. Beauty is still evolving, and is changing throughout the time, not for the better but for the worst.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Antonym analogies

Antonym analogies Essay Antonyms have long been favourites of the readers of Word Ways, either as themselves (ODDEVEN) or in disguise. In the latter case, they may be hidden in other word pairs such as in FATETHINE, SHINSHOUT and BANDEDBORED where they occur at the beginnings, ends and in the middles of the word pairs respectively, the other letters remaining the same. In the August 1994 Kickshaws (page 169), Dave Morice listed 24 such word pairs in an item entitled Letter-Addition Opposites. Now I offer further examples and also extend the concept to include pairs of words in which the antonyms are split, appearing in 2 places in each of the two words, the other letters always remaining the same. My list includes both antonyms and near-antonyms. Most of them can be found in Chambers Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms ed. Martin H. Manser, 1993. Excluding certain proper names, most of the word pairs can be found in the Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition. w2 = Websters Second Edition. Those examples which appear in WW94169 are asterisked*. EXCHANGING BEGINNINGS alls (also)nones alterationfixation askerteller (one who counts money) bagdeGoodge (a name) banelicensee barterletter bested (placed)worsted (a fine, smooth yarn) bindsfrees (frieze) boomed (what the foghorn did)slumped (in chair) bottomed (having;a bottom)toped (toppled or fell over) boyling (boiling)girling (a young salmon) breadwort (the knot grass)waterwort (plants of genus Elatine) breaker (a small keg or flaskon a boat)mender burdenerrider calmerdinner calmingwilding (a crab-apple tree or Michael) clearingfainting Cleary (a name)dully closelystartly (apt to start, jump) cometgot* coveredstriped dayly (dally)nightly divedsoard (sward) dressed striped Easterwester (windw2) ebber (manifest, unconcealed)flower emptyingfulling (the process of cleansing and thickening cloth by beating and washing) EXCHANGING ENDS Ada (a name)adzed (cut with an adze) farmfleg (a fright, scare) neart (be)nescience reblessrecurse (to recur) scentersedge scoldsheat (a pig under one year old) scoldswarm scool (school)swarm Adie (a name)alive undies (under garments)unlives (deprives of life) redress (reparation of a wrong)restrip (w2) bedrop (to drop upon, cover or wet with drops)behold pearlyplate* uneasyunhard (soft) miseasy (miserably)mistrying (trying wrongly) upend (to set something on its end)upstart (someone who has suddenly risen in importance) centercleave sevenslumpy seversnever (narrow) infall (material that falls or has fallen)inrise (to rise in opposition) forefeet (the front feet of a quadruped)forehands (shots in tennis) afind (to find out)alose (a fish) afoot (astir)ahead refreshretired unfriendlyunreserved (not put to one side) forgive (to pardon)fortake (to take away) shaveslack shere (share)sthere (steer = a young ox) chers (cheers)chis (fastidious) phot (a unit in physics = one lux maintained for one second)picy (a manoeuvre in piquet) sillswell* spinnerspouter cladclass landlady (runs a Bed and Breakfast)landman (a countryman, peasant) Roland (a name)rosea (plant species name) flaxfrigid underlay (for carpet)understood cleaveclinger sleave (sleeve)stake slendersower underlieunderstand overlieovertruth (a statement in excess of the truth) clingercrush sloath (sloth)swilling alose (a fish)awin (to win) slowstall blowerbraise slowersupper sloweststop Romanyroone (roan) remissreobserve ostomy (type of operation)ostoyour (soldier) smyth (smite v.; also a surname)struth (strewth) gnew (past tense of gnaw)gold snippyswarm doffdon* (themselves antonyms) Doverdunder (the dregs of cane juice used in the West Indies in the fermentation of rum) groovergrounder apeace (appease)Awar (a member of the people of the North Caucasus) repure (to purify again)revile (to use abusive language) squeer (squire)swell unrest (disturbance)unwork (to undo or detach from something) troughtwell (till) ALL POSSIBLE EXCHANGES The same pair of antonyms may occur in different places in different pairs of words, specifically at the beginning, the end or in the middle of words. Alternatively, the antonyms may be split and appear in two, corresponding, separate places in each word. Below, each different pair of antonyms appears in at least 3 of the 4 columns. READ: Irony in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart Things EssayADDITIONAL SPLITS Here are some more examples of split  antonym  exchanges: (a) Beginning and End chame (a fissure)whent (quaint) drey (a squirrels nest)weet (to know) easilytensile haleshale heardtrail loessMoore (a name) lousemauke (maggot) pumill (pommel)pumish (pumice) rinsesnag shafe (sheaf)wheak (a squeak or whine) weak in the sense of unguarded trender (a wool winder)trough theoremuores (journeys) treuce (truce)wear (b) Beginning and Middle flinder (to break into fiinders or pieces)sleeker fletcher (an arrow-maker)slender (c) Middle and End rantedroter (one who repeats by rote) minn (type of old Irish ornament)mount (d) Beginning, Middle and End Here is a 3-way split pair of antonyms (these and those): threstle (trestle)throstle (a thrush) ALTERNATIVE SPLITS The 2 words FARER (traveller) and NEARER offer a choice of 2 positions for the antonyms FAR and NEAR: FARERNEARER and FARERNEARER. There are, however, 2 words which go one stage further, offering a choice of 3 positions for the antonyms MAS (several mothers) and PAS (several fathers): MASSESPASSES MASSESPASSES MASSESPASSES Both the above examples owe their existence to the presence in the words of repeated letters, R and S respectively.

IMG Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IMG - Case Study Example Currently, the company has diversified to include services such as stadium ownership and management, television, event ownership, modeling organization among others (Anand and Attea 1-23). Further, IMG has proved to be a successful business empire that grew from focusing only on one opportunity kind. However, this single opportunity lead to diversification and realization of other viable but related opportunities. This diversity has however been managed through the introduction of subsidiary companies to manage different interests of the mother company. As such, McCormack (or his successors) should go ahead and seek diversity since it has proved to add value into the mother company. Further, in so doing the company will be hedging itself against competition from other companies that may seek to exploit these diversities. Moreover, the company has laid down a strategy that has defined the role of any given subsidiary venture. In fact, such a subsidiary company is at liberty to manage itself as an independent company. As such, the need to engage in experts is covered by the presence of IMG itself. However, due to the dynamic unpredictable eventualities in the nature of its business dealing there may crop a situation that will call for expert’s services. For example, if IMG or on of its constituent company is faced by a legal issue, then it will be necessary to indulge the services of an equally potential law firm (Anand and Attea 1-23). Given the reputation of this organization, the concerns of engaging external consulting firms have not been a concern to it. The founder and CEO of IMG have strategically approached this situation through specialization and division of duties. The specialization calls for an independent company to manage all duties related to that field. For example, tennis duties are ran by a single company, such that the players and tennis events, tennis broadcasts as well as tennis courts will

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discoure Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discoure Analysis - Essay Example The video shows how the power of a celebrity woman can be a reckoning force of change to the world. Angelina earns damehood with the queen for making a rare effort to contest a topic that has never been presented in the international summit (The Guardian, 2014). On the other hand, Eman Mohammed’s video on Ted Talk uncovers a gender-biased culture in Gaza. The video portrays a part of the world where a particular gender is not allowed to access certain areas. Eman is the only female photojournalist who works with male colleagues who marginalize her in the line of duty because of her gender. The video critiques unfair gender norms that exist in the community through a shocking revelation of hidden stories. Both videos depict a world that discriminates against women, but with powerful institutions that are ready to change the existing norms during a time of conflict. Both videos utilize a language that displays courage and confidence geared towards challenging the social norms existing in the world. Angelina Jolie’s gets her damehood, but she is not contented that the sexual violence is still an issue of concern in integral parts of the world. She vows to overcome international barriers by presenting in a global summit and using her celebrity figure to speak for sexual violence victims. Eman Mohammed makes a decision to appear in Ted Talk and ability to make a niche in a media career that is dominated by men. She narrates the hidden stories in the Gaza strip and exposes a community where she was bred on Ted Talk. Ted Talk is an international platform that attracts an audience from a large part of the globe. The platform does not deter her from telling the world about her challenges as a woman in her career as a photojournalist. Angelina Jolie is a female participant in the video that gets her an honorary recognition from the Queen of Birmingham. She plays the role of a sexual violence campaigner and a humanitarian for a topic that has haunted

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Learning outcomes of Statistics for Managers Research Paper

Learning outcomes of Statistics for Managers - Research Paper Example It is important for people to put statistics in practice even if they do not understand statistical methods well (Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, 2011). Descriptive statistics are numbers that are used to explore data in a more meaningful way such that a person can understand the data with no need of explanation. In descriptive, data more explained in such a way that images or patterns may emerge from the data presented. This helps those that cannot read and understand what the data means to study the image or patterns well so that they can be able to understand the data well. Descriptive statistic is of more importance if the data was to presented in a raw data it could be difficult for some of us to understand the data especially if one has a lot of data to go through. According to Leblanc (2004), descriptive statistics enables people to present their data in a more meaningful way for easy interpretation of the data. For example, a certain number of students in school sit for an exam then their teacher want to take the overall performance of those students. He or she will have to apply descriptive statistics to get the overall of his or her students. Inferential statistics is more concerned in making inference or predictions of a give population through analyses and observation of the sample. In inferential statistics the data is generalized together as opposed to descriptive statistics where data is more interpreted in a meaningful way. As such, analysts can take the results obtained from an analysis using a study sample, and then generalize this information for use in the larger population represented by the sample. Silverman (1986), argues that it is imperative to use a representative sample of the group being generalized in order to achieve this fete effectively. Some of the key tests of significance considered under the issue of generalization include a T-test or a Chi-square, which explores the probability of the results

Friday, July 26, 2019

Leadership Communication Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leadership Communication Presentation - Essay Example To counter this argument, another manager may say, â€Å"Removing all our fringe benefits would result in low morale for the employees.† Obviously, the second manager was using the straw man fallacy by restating what the other manager said, and saying â€Å"removing all our fringe benefits† when the first manager actually said a reduction in the fringe benefits. These conversations are typical in organizations especially when meetings are held to find solutions for problems that confront the company. There are several ways to overcome or prevent a straw man fallacy in an organization. First, in making vital decisions for the company, it is better to put the arguments for each position or alternative in writing; rather than having a face-to-face debate with the proponents of different sides. In this way, the possibility of misinterpretation and misrepresentation is eliminated. Another way to prevent a straw man fallacy is to show proofs, data or statistics in presenting alternative solutions to organizational problems. If these information are presented, it would be hard to refute by just a straw man fallacy. Lastly, it is suggested that to overcome a straw man fallacy, those involved in making major decisions for the firm should be well-informed. According to Talisse and Aikin, the success of the straw man fallacy depends on the ignorance of the audience; thus, if the people responsible for decision-making are well-informed of the various positions, then they can have an intelli gent and reasoned discourse without being swayed by fallacies

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Technology Strategies. Kudler Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology Strategies. Kudler Company - Essay Example The aspect of selection and implementation of relevant changes in technological advancements for the improvement of the company needs expert opinions as it would flop if it were to be done without following the due process as stipulated in rules and guidelines that provide the guidance on the way forward. In light of this fears, an approach is proposed that will be good in a contingent way as well as in a way that accommodates a socio-technical approach (Floyd, 2010). One of the mostly applied strategies includes the Initial Public Offering. This is also referred to as the IPO. This strategy is often resorted to by new companies that are out to facilitate the expansion of their operations. The IPO serves such crucial functions that are elementary and of significant importance to the company. It occurs when the firm offers common shares openly to the public. There can always be possibility to raise capitals through commissions of exchanges that are registered to undertake the public offering. When the company takes this step, it must be ready to face an obvious amount of public scrutiny. The company however faces increased responsibility that are accompanied by opportunities to strengthen the relations between the firm owners and the major stakeholders that make the wheels of change turn and move forward. (Floyd, 2010) One such company that practices IPO is the Kudler Fine Foods. The company has made immense growth on the competitive field of busin ess. The company tends to issue preferred securities or common stocks and that in the long run create essential growth of capital and its acceleration. Kudler Company can achieve accelerated growth through hiring of new personnel, expanding development and the forms of research that are involved. The major effect of this strategy is to enable the company penetrate into global investment base to facilitate large investment of capital. Kudler Fine Foods is now required to keep the stakeholders up to date on the management strategies of the company as well as the business operations and legal obligations as they arise. Working under public examination works well to keep the company on toes. (Paul, 2007) The second strategy that a firm can opt for in bringing in a new perspective of seeing things is that of acquisition. Through acquisition, a company acquires on or more of the companies that work within the same market. Acquisitions often get done with the main aim of growing and expand ing the firm. One such firm that practices such form of strategy is the BOC gases. They have acquired other smaller manufacturers of gases and put them under the same umbrella. (Lawson, 2006) Acquisition can happen in two possible ways. One way is that of mutual understanding whereby the companies agree to join hands or to be acquired. The other form is that of forceful takeover which can mostly just be done by companies that are publically traded. When the latter happens, more than 50 % of the acquired company is taken under control by the big company that forcefully takes over. However it looks more than obvious that the situation for BOC gases. The other smaller firms that are under the umbrella were mostly acquired in a willing seller and willing buyer basis whereby the small firms opted for this option as they may have noticed their profits going down. The companies’ desire for growth can now be achieved from a comfortable position whereby they are secure. This form of s trategy also enables the bigger company to venture into new geographic locations and to expand their base for doing business hence increasing opportunities. (Floyd, 2010) The third strategy that a firm can apply in the growth and expansion is that of merger.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Answer the following exam questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Answer the following exam questions - Essay Example and peace process, which led to the spawning of two more radical splinter groups: Continuity IRA (CIRA), and the Real IRA (RIRA) in mid to late 1990s. The IRA, sometimes referred to as the PIRA to distinguish it from RIRA and CIRA, is organized into small, tightly-knit cells under the leadership of the Army Council. The IRA’s militant activities have comprised of bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, punishment beatings, extortion, smuggling, and robberies. Prior to the cease-fire agreement in 1997, the group was involved in terror campaigns in various places in Northern Ireland and England, including senior British Government agencies (and its officials), innocent civilians, police forces, and the Royal military installations. While the rationale for their activities is quite genuine, the group has also attracted criticism for its rigidity. For example, the IRA has not been willing to adopt non-violent methods for pressurizing its oppressive neighbour. For example, the group’s refusal in late 2004 to allow photographic documentation of its decommissioning process was an obstacle to progress in implementing the Belfast Agreement and stalled talks. The IRA is also criticized for funding its operations through criminal means. Every year millions of dollars are added to its coffers through robberies and other crimes. Unless the IRA puts an end to such deviances, its mission is unlikely to succeed. The IRA does not pose a direct threat to Australian citizens or Australian national interests. But in an indirect way, with the refusal of Canberra to detach itself from American and British neo-colonial ambitions, Australia can face a backlash. Already we saw an instance of this in the Bali bombings of 2002. With the IRA’s links with the Palestinian Liberation Organization, ETA and the Colombian militant group FARC, Australia is vulnerable to terror attacks from these organizations, if its foreign policy framework does not change. It is also no surprise

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Retail assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Retail assessment - Essay Example This report compares the retail activities of both retailers compared to other well-known fashion brands and retailers. The business concept at H&M is straight-forward: â€Å"give the customer unbeatable value by offering fashion and quality at the best price† ( 2010, p.1). This is accomplished by outsourcing all of their supply needs and reducing middlemen in the process of product procurement. The company also makes its purchases in higher volumes than other retailers, therefore receiving volume discounts that are passed onto the consumers in their pricing model. This is not common with other retailers in the UK, especially those that have built their brand based on diversity of offerings rather than volume inventories. Zara is a leader in areas of procurement and acts as a benchmark for many other fashion retailers. The company also offers low cost fashions, however their inventory replenishment strategy is significantly different from H&M as well as other well-known retailers such as Marks & Spencer. Zara works on a six week lead time under its fast fashion replenishment model, therefore it is able to sell virtually all of its merchandise at regular price without pricing reductions (Hardman, Harper & Notaney 2009). Other fashion retailers are only able to sell 50 percent of their merchandise at regular price due to diversity of inventory offerings and the speed of replenishment chosen to maintain exclusivity in fashion offerings. Zara is considered by its youth consumer markets to be a place where there is always a new and â€Å"fashionably exclusive† product offering as it maintains a lean inventory policy for this reason (Ferdows, Lewis & Machuca 2003, p.63). Larger retailers that have a more diverse collection of fashions or other home-related merchandise do not have this luxury of lean inventory and must regularly consider clearance merchandise to make room for newly arrived inventories. Zara also devotes a considerable amount of time into

Crime Prevention Essay Example for Free

Crime Prevention Essay Introduction Throughout my project I will be referring a retail shopping centre in tralee, kerry.The shopping centre trades between 8.00 am and 07.00 pm, six days a week and 10.00am to 5.00pm on Sundays I ahave decided to do this project on this centre as it is the only shopping centre located near my home aslo I chose thi centre as I am very familiar with it. Functions of notebook entries: * To record matters which cannot be entrusted to memory. * Make entry for each working day. * To provide a permanent personal record of hours of duty and work done. * To record instructions, incidents and messages * Fill out the top of your report clearly and completely as needed * While doing your rounds Be sure to take notes in your field notebook. Do not use your memory. Make sure to take Note the times, Dates and any persons involved if necessary. * Remember your notebook may be used in a court of law as evidence or to assist you when testifying. Use it only for its intended use. * The retail shopping centre was built in 2004 . The shopping centre employs ten security staff to cover its 90000 sq. ft. area. There is a purposely built security office with all the latest cctv monitoring systems. Uniforms for security are simple such as black trousers, black shoes and white shirt. A high visibility jacket will be supplied for car park duties there are over a 1000 free parking spaces. The only equipment a security guard will carry on them at all times is a two way radio system for communication purposes with the control room and co workers. Inspections * Security personnel who guard entrances and exits must thoroughly screen people and packages to make sure no unauthorized items or individuals go where they shouldnt. Surveillance * Closely monitoring their assigned location be it static or patrolled, allows security guards to spot suspicious behaviour and prevent problems, including illegal activity. Enforcement * A variety of tools help security guards enforce the law and rules, including communication devices like radios, monitoring devices like security cameras, detection devices like scanners and defensive instruments like batons. Emergencies* When emergencies occur, security guards are often responsible for directing people in the area to safety, contacting emergency responders, attempting to determine the source of the problem and containing the threat. Law * As an employer you are required to manage safety and health at work so as to prevent accidents and ill-health. * The law requires employers to: * Carry out a risk assessment * Identify the hazards * Prepare a written safety statement * Section 20 provides that every employer must have a written safety statement based on the hazards identified and the risk assessment under Section 19 and setting out how the safety, health and welfare of employees will be secured and managed. When preparing a safety statement, account should be taken of the general principles of prevention set out in Schedule 3 to the Act. * Safety statements must be specific to the place of work and must set out – * The protective and preventive measures taken and the resources allocated to safety, health and welfare, * The hazards identified and the risks assessed, * The plans and procedures for dealing with emergencies or serious and imminent danger, in compliance with Sections 8 and 11, * The duties of employees as regards safety, health and welfare at work, and the requirement for them to co-operate on those matters with their employer and any person who has responsibility under the relevant statutory provisions, * The names and, where applicable, job titles of persons assigned to perform tasks pursuant to the safety statement, and * The arrangements for the appointment of safety representatives and safety consultation at the place of work in compliance with Sections 25 and 26 and the names of any safety representatives and/or safety committee members. * Assessing the risks in your workplace * This is how to assess the risks in your workplace: * Identify the hazards. * Decide who might be harmed and how * Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions. * Record your findings and implement them * Review your assessment and update if necessary. Risk assessment process: * To identify the hazards: * talk to staff to learn from their knowledge and experience, and listen to their concerns and opinions about health and safety issues in the shop; * look at the accident book, to understand what previous problems there have been; * Walk around the shop, the stockroom and all other areas noting what might pose a risk, taking HSE guidance into consideration. Also consider occasional activities, such as changing light bulbs; * Write down who could be harmed by the hazards and how. * For each hazard, write down what controls, if any, were in place to manage these hazards. These controls were then compared to the guidance on HSE’s website. Where existing controls are not considered good enough, write down what else is needed to be done. * Discuss the findings with staff, display the risk assessment in the staffroom and make it part of the induction process for new staff. Decide when the actions that were needed will be done, and who will do them, and tick the actions off as each is completed. * Review and update the risk assessment every year or straightaway if major changes in the workplace happen. The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005: * Represents a modernisation of our occupational health and safety laws and it sets the scene for achieving further improvements in the national record on safety and health over the next few decades. * Its primary focus is on the prevention of workplace accidents, illnesses and dangerous occurrences and it provides also for significantly increased fines and penalties aimed at deterring the minority who continue to flout safety and health. * One of the aims of the act is to encourage a responsible attitude on the part of both employees and employers. * Duty of care: legal obligation imposed-requiring that safety standards are upheld –to ensure people are not injured by actions or failure to act. Duties of employees * Comply with health and safety legislation, both in the 2005 act and elsewhere. * Take responsible care to protect his or her own safety. * Co-operate with his or her employer or any other person as necessary, to assist that person in complying with safety and health legislation as appropriate. * Correct use of protective clothing and any other protective article or substance where necessary. * Not be under influence of an intoxicant at the place of work. * Not engage in improper conduct or other behaviour such as violence, bullying or horseplay. Hazards and risks * Hazard is the potential to cause harm; risk on the other hand is the likelihood of harm * A hazard is a situation in the workplace that has the potential to harm the health and safety of people or to damage plant and equipment. * Risk is the likelihood that a person may be harmed or suffers adverse health effects if exposed/come into contact with a hazard Some groups of people are particularly vulnerable to hazards: * Young workers, have higher accident rates. * Pregnant women. * People with disabilities. * New or inexperienced workers * Workers who have recently changed roles or jobs. Risk control: is the process of implementing measures to reduce the risk associated with a hazard. The control process must follow the control hierarchy, in order, as prescribed in some health and safety legislation. It is important that control measures do not introduce new hazards, and that the ongoing effectiveness of the controls is monitored. Safety statement Safety statement is the name given to a document that outlines how a company or organisation manages their health and safety. It is a report of all hazards and risks found in the workplace. An account of the controls taken or planned to be taken to control them. A Safety statement is required by law unless the employer employs less than three people. Employers have ultimate responsibility for safety and health. The safety statement should begin with a declaration, signed at senior, responsible management level on the employer’s behave. The declaration should spell out the policy in relation to overall safety and health performance, provide a framework for managing safety and health, and list relevant objectives. That the safety statement will be revised as changes occur and evaluated at set intervals; how the relevant contents of the statement are to be brought to the attention of employees and other people in the workplace who might be affected by the statement. Stress in the workplace Stress is any action or situation (stressor) that places special physical or psychological demands on a person. There are two types of stress: eustress and distress. Eustress is a good stress and appears to motivate and inspire . Distress is considered as bad stress, and can be short-lived or long-term. Stress is often described as a mismatch between the demands of work, family and living and of coping with these demands. Stress can be positive – when it motivates us to get something done – or negative when we have too many demands and constantly feel under pressure. Bullying in the Work Place The 2005 Act provides that employers carry out risk assessments at their place of work in the preparation of a safety statement. This assessment should also include the risks associated with bullying. The definition of bullying is Repeated inappropriate behaviour that undermines your right to dignity at work. It can encompass verbal bullying, physical bullying or otherwise and it may take different forms such as social exclusion and isolation, damaging someones reputation by gossip or rumours, intimidation, aggressive or obscene language or repeated requests with impossible tasks or targets.Whilst there is no specific legislation that deals with bullying in the work place the Health and Safety Authority have issued a code of practice for employers and employees on the prevention and resolution of bullying at work. Conclusions and recommendations: Overall I was impressed with the level of professionalism that is in the shopping center . Security personnel within the premises have very good procedures and should continue this. The security officers have access to the latest technology including CCTV with spinning domes. They use these to great use for crime prevention and should continue to do so . the staff are very good at identifying hazards and protecting customers as a result of this the retail center will be successful for yearts to come.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Electrophoresis Machine Essay Example for Free

Electrophoresis Machine Essay Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory procedure used to separate biological molecules with an electrical current. In this lesson, well review how agarose gel electrophoresis works and introduce the equipment necessary to perform an electrophoresis experiment. Separation of DNA molecules of different sizes can be achieved by using an agarose gel. Recall that agarose is a polysaccharide that can be used to form a gel to separate molecules based on size. Because of the gelatin-like nature of agarose, a solution of agarose can be heated and cooled to form a gel in a casting tray. Think of casting the agarose gel like pouring hot gelatin into a mold. The hot agarose liquid is poured into a casting tray. Once the mixture cools, a thin agarose brick will form. To ensure theres a place to put the DNA in the gel, a comb is placed in the agarose liquid before it cools. Each tooth in the comb will become a hole, or well, in the solidified agarose gel. Once cast, this gel is placed inside a piece of equipment called a gel box. An electrode one positive and one negative resides at each end of the gel box. The wells are always oriented, so theyre farther from the positive electrode. This ensures that the DNA molecules in the well must travel through the majority of the agarose gel, thus providing sufficient time for separation. Air isnt a great conductor of electricity, so we cover the gel with electrophoresis buffer. Electrophoresis buffer is a salt solution. It isnt table salt, but the salt ions can carry an electrical charge just like salt water can. The salt in the electrophoresis buffer completes the circuit between the positive and negative electrodes. When the electrodes of the gel box are connected to a power supply, electricity flows through the electrical circuit, causing the negatively charged DNA molecules to move into the agarose gel. The DNA molecules continue to travel through the agarose toward the positive electrode as long as an electrical current is present. Recall that shorter DNA molecules travel through agarose faster than longer DNA molecules. In this way, agarose gel electrophoresis separates different DNA fragments based on size. Once the samples are loaded, the electrical current supplied by the power supply not only moves the DNA samples through the gel but the dye molecules as well. Note the colored lines that appear. These lines do not represent the DNA fragments. These lines represent the dye in the loading buffer that was used to visualize the samples during the loading step. Once the gel run is complete, the agarose gel can be removed from the gel box and soaked in an ethidium bromide solution. Recall that ethidium bromide is used to visualize DNA. Ethidium bromide molecules intercalate, or insert, between the nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule. In summary, gel electrophoresis is a laboratory procedure used to separate biological molecules with an electrical current. Together with a gel box and a power supply, an agarose gel can be used to separate DNA molecules based on size. Loading buffer enables scientists to insert DNA samples into the wells of the agarose gel. Once the electrophoresis procedure is initiated, the dye in the loading buffer forms a dye front that is used to determine when the procedure is complete. When the electrophoresis procedure is complete, the agarose gel can be soaked in an ethidium bromide solution to visualize the DNA bands on a UV box.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Java Coffee Shop Business Plan Marketing Essay

Java Coffee Shop Business Plan Marketing Essay Java Culture coffee bar is determined to become a daily necessity for local coffee addicts, a place to dream of as you try to escape the daily stresses of life and  just a  comfortable place to meet your friends or to read a book, all in one. With the growing demand for high-quality gourmet coffee and great service, Java Culture will capitalize on its proximity to the University of Oregon campus to build a core group of repeat customers. The company will operate a 2,300 square foot coffee bar within a walking distance from the University of Oregon campus. The owners have secured this location through a three-year lease with an option for extending. The have also provided $140,000 of the required $170,000 start-up funds. The remaining capital will be obtained through  Bank of America commercial loans. The company is expected to grow sales revenue from $584,000 in FY2001 to $706,000 in year three. As Java Culture will strive to maintain a 65% gross profit margin and reasonable operating expenses,  it will see  net profits grow from $100,000 to$125,000 during the same period. Java Culture coffee bar will be located on the ground floor of the commercial building at the corner of West 13th Avenue and Patterson Street in Eugene, OR. The company has secured a one-year lease of the vacant 2,500 square feet premises previously occupied by a hair salon. The lease contract has an option of renewal for three years at a fixed rate that Java Culture will execute depending on the financial strength of its business. The floor plan will include a 200 square feet back office and a 2,300 square feet coffee bar, which will include a seating area with 15 tables, a kitchen, storage area and two bathrooms. The space in the coffee bar will be approximately distributed the following way1,260 square feet (i.e., 55% of the total) for the seating area, 600 square feet (26%) for the production area, and the remaining 440 square feet (19%) for the customer service area. This property is located in a commercial area within a walking distance from the University of Oregon campus on the corner of a major thoroughfare connecting affluent South Eugene neighborhood with the busy downtown commercial area. The commercially zoned premises have the necessary water and electricity hookups and will require only minor remodeling to accommodate the espresso bar,  kitchen and storage area. The coffee bars open and clean interior design with modern wooden decor will convey the quality of the served beverages and snacks, and will be in-line with the establishments positioning as an eclectic place where people can relax and enjoy their cup of coffee. The clear window displays, through which passerby will be able to see customers enjoying their beverages, and outside electric signs will be aimed to grab the attention of the customer traffic. Java Culture will offer its customers the best tasting coffee beverages in the area. This will be achieved by using high-quality ingredients and strictly following preparation guidelines. The store layout, menu listings and marketing activities will be focused on maximizing the sales of higher margin espresso drinks. Along with the espresso drinks, brewed coffee and teas, as well as some refreshment beverages, will be sold in the coffee bar. Java Culture will also offer its clients pastries, small salads and sandwiches. For the gourmet clientele that prefers to prepare its coffee at home, Java Culture will also be selling coffee beans. The menu of the Java Culture coffee bar will be built around espresso-based coffee drinks such as lattes, mochas, cappuccinos, etc. Each of the espresso-based drinks will be offered with whole, skimmed, or soy milk. Each of these coffee beverages is based on a shot of espresso, which is prepared in the espresso machine by forcing heated water through ground coffee at high pressure. Such espresso shots are combined with steamed milk and/or other additives like cocoa, caramel, etc., to prepare the espresso-based beverages. Proper preparation techniques are of paramount importance for such drinks. A minor deviation from the amount of coffee in the shot, the size of the coffee particles, the temperature of milk, etc., can negatively affect the quality of the prepared drink. U.S. coffee consumption has shown steady growth, with gourmet coffee having the strongest growth. Coffee drinkers in the Pacific Northwest are among the most demanding ones. They favor well-brewed gourmet coffee drinks and demand great service. Eugene, OR, with its liberal and outgoing populace and long rainy winter, has traditionally been a great place for coffee establishments. Java Culture will strive to build a loyal customer base by offering a great tasting coffee in a   relaxing environment of its coffee bar located close to the bustling University of Oregon campus. Java Culture will focus its marketing activities on reaching the University students and faculty, people working in offices located close to the coffee bar and on sophisticated teenagers. Our market research shows that these are the customer groups that are most likely to buy gourmet coffee products. Since gourmet coffee consumption is universal across different income categories and mostly depends on the level of higher education, proximity to the University of Oregon campus will provide access to the targeted customer audience. Java Culture will cater to people who want to get their daily cup of great-tasting coffee in a relaxing atmosphere. Such customers vary in age, although our location close to the University campus means that most of our clientele will be college students and faculty. Our market research shows that these  are discerning customers that gravitate towards better tasting coffee. Furthermore, a lot of college students consider coffee bars to be a convenient studying or meeting location, where they can read or meet with peers without the necessity to pay cover charges. For us, this will provide a unique possibility for building a loyal client base. Coffee consumption has shown a steady 2.5% growth rate in the United States over the last decade. In 1994, total sales of coffee were approximately $7.5 billion with gourmet coffee representing 33% (or $2.5 billion) of that. The retail coffee industry is flourishing in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. The local climate, with a long rainy season, is very conducive for the consumption of hot non-alcoholic beverages. At the same time, hot dry summers drive people into cafes to order iced drinks. Further, coffee has really become a part of the lifestyle in the Pacific Northwest. Its discerning coffee drinkers are in favor of well-prepared, strong coffee-based beverages, which they can consume in a  relaxing environment. According to the 1997 Oregon Food service Statistics (NAICS 72), Eugene had 45 established snack non-alcoholic beverage bars (NAICS 722213) with total sales of $14.2 million. Among other establishments that offer coffee drinks to their customers are most of Eugenes limited- and full-service restaurants. Java Cultures direct competitors will be other coffee bars located near the University of Oregon campus. These include Starbucks, Cafe Roma, The UO Bookstore, and other Food service establishments that offer coffee. Starbucks will definitely be one of the major competitors because of its strong financial position and established marketing and operational practices. However, despite of Starbucks entrenched market position, many customers favor smaller, independent establishments that offer cozy atmosphere and good coffee at affordable prices. Cafe Roma is a good example of such competition. Despite the owners and managers experience in the definitely industry, the company will retain the consulting services of ABC Espresso Services, the consultants who have helped to develop the business idea for Java Culture. This company has over twenty years of experience in the retail coffee industry and has successfully opened dozens of coffee bars across the U.S. Consultants will be primarily used for market research, customer satisfaction surveys and to provide additional input into the evaluation of the new business opportunities. Java Culture will capitalize on the strong demand for high-quality gourmet coffee. The owners have provided the company with sufficient start-up capital. With successful management aimed at establishing and growing a loyal customer base, the company will see its net worth doubling in two years. Java Culture will maintain a healthy 65% gross margin, which combined with reasonable operating expenses, will provide enough cash to finance further growth.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

REPORT ON MISSOURI :: essays papers

REPORT ON MISSOURI GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS Missouri has had four constitutions: 1820, prior to statehood; 1865 and 1875, in the aftermath of the Civil War; and 1945. Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by a majority of the legislature or by petition signed by 8% of the voters in two-thirds of the state's congressional districts. Proposed amendments must be approved by a majority of the voters in a statewide election. A constitutional convention must be called every 20 years to review the constitution for possible changes. The Missouri general assembly is composed of the senate of 34 members, half of whom are elected every 2 years for 4-year terms, and the house of representatives, with 163 members, all of whom are elected every 2 years. The general assembly meets annually. The governor is elected for 4 years and may succeed himself once. The chief judicial officers are the 7 supreme court judges. The Missouri Plan for selecting judges, adopted in 1945, has become a nationwide model for the nonpartisan assignment of judges. Each of Missouri's 114 counties is governed by a 3-member elected county commission. St. Louis functions as an independent city with county status. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have considerable electoral strength in Missouri, but since World War II the Democrats, strongest in the cities and the Bootheel, have more often controlled the legislature. Elected state offices and Missouri's representation in the U.S. Congress have been rather equally divided between the two parties. Missouri's Democrats tend to have a more conservative political philosophy than Democrats nationally. Republicans retain strength in suburban regions and in the southwestern part of the state. STATE SYMBOLS The state flower is the Hawthorn. The state bird is the Eastern Bluebird. And the state tree is the Dogwood. Government Configuration Missouri has had four constitutions: 1820, prior to statehood; 1865 and 1875, in the aftermath of the Civil War; and 1945. Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by a majority of the legislature or by petition signed by 8% of the voters in two-thirds of the state's congressional districts. Proposed amendments must be approved by a majority of the voters in a statewide election. A constitutional convention must be called every 20 years to review the constitution for possible changes. The Missouri general assembly is composed of the senate of 34 members, half of whom are elected every 2 years for 4-year terms, and the house of representatives, with 163 members, all of whom are elected every 2 years.

Living and Dying by the Sword (or) The Autonomy and Responsibility of P

Living and Dying by the Sword (or) The Autonomy and Responsibility of Paranoia Introduction The question is a common one. "Does an individual have the right to yell, ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater?" The implications are not as simple. If one answers, "no," then one is, in effect saying that the constitutional right to free speech is not entirely correct. If one answers, "yes," then one is saying that is perfectly O.K. to an individual to be delegated the power to create mass hysteria. However, there is another side to this question. If an individual is permitted to yell fire, as perhaps one would be in a Lockian state of nature, one is as likely to be trampled in the ensuing hysteria as everyone else is. This situation, while quaint and hypothetical, does have its counterparts in history. The question of how much power ought an individual be allowed has been one that has been addressed by governments throughout the ages. The result of this power being abused has also been addressed throughout history, but not by governments, by the fates of those individuals who have abused that power. One result of power being abused is the creation of a kind of hysteria in a society that revolves around that individual who has created it. That hysteria also has the potential to turn on its progenitor and crush him in the ensuing stampede. Historically, this is the case of Maximilien Robespierre and Joseph McCarthy. Both men, in their own rights, created a sort of social hysteria, a hysteria that for each resulted in a social stampede. These stampedes ended up crushing these men who created them in the chaos and confusion that ensued. The question of these two men faced ... ...s, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy 6. Buckley, et al., McCarthy and His Enemies 7. Eagan, Maximilien Robespierre: Nationalist Dictator 8. Buckley, et al., McCarthy and His Enemies 9. Feuerlicht, Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism, The Hate That Haunts America Bibliography - Belloc, Hilaire. Robespierre, A Study. G.P. Putnam and Sons. New York. 1927. - Buckley, William F. and Bozell, L. Brent. McCarthy and His Enemies: The Record and its Meaning. Henry Regnery Company. Chicago. 1954. - Eagan, James Michael. Maximilien Robespierre, Nationalist Dictator. AMS Press. New York. 1983. - Feuerlicht, Roberta Strauss. McCarthy and McCarthism, The Hate that Haunts America. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York. 1972. - Reeves, Thomas C. The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy. Stein and Day Publishers. New York. 1982.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Lack of Stringent Educational Values in America Essay examples --

Since I was a child, I have been a product of the American public educational system. From a young age, my classmates and I have always been told to study hard and we would do great things. This is true, for the most part, however, there is one tragic flaw in this statement. A person can always strive to be the best, but without the proper structure or guidance, he or she will never be able to reach their full potential. Robert Fellini is a prime example of never being able to reach his full potential because of the lack of guidance during his scholastic life. Fellini is a dear friend of mine and study partner for years. Like myself, he is a product of the public educational system. Although he has graduated from college, where does his life take him now? To be a security guard at a bank. This is what Fellini is currently doing for employment. While studying with Fellini, he mentioned his aspirations to become a lawyer. He definitely had the knowledge an d the ambition, but his fatal flaw was the lack of support from both his educators and personal family. The educational system is better in Asia than in America because of the values instilled in students at a young age. In Asian countries, such as China and Japan, children are taught from a young age that there is nothing more valuable in the world than an education. This is quite different from the teachings of American children. In Talking to High Monks in the Snow by Lydia Minatoya, we find that the attitude of the students she taught in Boston were greatly less appreciative and ambitious as the students she taught in Japan and China. Throughout her journey, both the students from Japan and China resembled a more studious and advantageous... become ambitious if there are no educators to motivate them? Japan and China have one very important thing in common, their educators are well respected and their student body is far more intelligent than America. What would happen if America became a country of academic supremacy? If we were to become a global giant in the academic world, and combine that with our economical and living aspirations, what would be the disadvantage in living in such a country? Works Cited Hassett, Kevin A. Rethinking Competitiveness. Washington, D.C.: AEI, 2012. Print. Healey, Nigel M. "Is Higher Education in Really 'Internationalising'?" Higher Education 55.3 (2008): 333-55. JSTOR. Web. Nov.-Dec. 2013. . Minatoya, Lydia Y. Talking to High Monks in the Snow: An Asian American Odyssey. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1992. Print.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Human Rights on Film: Regret to Inform Essay

Life taken for the purpose of valor and nobility shows a terrible disparity between actions and reasons. Hollywood, when tackling the issues and conflicts of Vietnam War has the tendency to give more focus on how to show the life of a soldier in reference to their personal relationships. They are sometimes forgetting the crucial portion to discuss the political and social aspect of war. Vietnam War had been featured in some literary works, written and in film, and it is unusual that it had been perceived in a point of view of widows, who seems like the victims of war’s aftermath. Widows of Vietnam War, when used in art, tend to create subject of sentimentality but not with Barbara Sonneborn’s award-winning masterpiece, Regret to Inform, which showcases the situations and sufferings of women who had their husbands died in the midst of fires and bullets. The movie describes not just the lives of American women but also paid attention to the same frustrations that Vietnamese soldier’s wives in the extent of the war. Brief Review On the twentieth anniversary her husband’s death, Barbara decided to meet some war widows to learn more about the war. She attempted to root the actual nature of this war and analyze its extent of devastation. With this started as a personal quest, Sonneborn had expanded the picture of the war victim’s situations as she set foot on the land where Jeff died. This journey deepened her as she said (PBS 2010). This movie anticipated long time peace by sharing the views of isolated set of people involved in Vietnam War. It serves as a challenge for those who wish to realize the actual scenarios when war was waged. Regret to Inform is not created for the awareness of the public but for the purpose of inspiring the more humane side of every human who are doubtlessly sharing the same value for love and peace. This is a love story telling how deep love for country, love for humanity and camaraderie despite of the origin, race and disparity can be grouped and be transcended. It tells the story of victims of the real enemy of mankind which is the irrationality in our reactions and decisions. From the Character’s Viewpoint  Giving equal attention on widows of soldiers on both sides, western and Asian, the movie exuded profoundly the moving story about the aftermath of war in a straightforward manner as observed through feminine eyes. Sonneborn shares the post war predicaments with her companion, Xuan Ngoc Nguyen, another widow of the war and also followed the lives of some soldiers who were at war. It transcends the boundaries given that the same conflict brought these victim’s lost – the War. On one of the scenes there, a Vietnamese widow couldn’t believe that an American wanted to listen to the stories they had regarding the war. The war created horror which is inevitable for those people who are in the midst of it. But, the worst thing that it created is its extension right after the war is over. During the war, one of the actions taken by the US military is the application of chemical known as Agent Orange which aims to oppress their enemies in the forest. Some civilians had been affected by this move and their widows could do nothing but to express the sentiments regarding this unfair causality. As they say about the situation, it is either you are dead or you are not safe. Apparently, among them, no one will ever forget the hardship they had in order to survive that non-stop battle. The film shows no evil character as usually being used to portray Viet Nam. It is more than just identifying who’s right or wrong but apparently, the victims didn’t just concentrate in one side. Viet Nam, as the setting of the war didn’t carry the weight of all the war’s burden. It is just a location where the real enemy lies. The enemy here is neither a person nor a battalion of soldiers but the collective actions of misunderstanding, lack of diplomacy, violence resulting to death of children, women and men alike. The war is in Vietnam but its terror could have surpassed the oceans. When you are relying on media to hold on to the situation, what could we expect to happen? American women had the discomfort of being uncertain by feeling like anytime, they will be receiving bad news despite the fact that the war remained far from them. This uncertainty can make a woman walk thru life in a routine based pace without a grasp on what is going to the interviews part. It managed create the heart trembling spirit of each stories told. The interview part supplied some highlights in the movie. Good questions were given in the movie providing the most. These questions provoke unbiased reasoning of the people involved and managed to remove being self fulfilling in dwelling with the depression of those being interviewed. They questioned the righteousness versus faults such as when they are trying to ask whether a soldier can be considered a murderer or a hero. Sonneborn was able to use her skill as a visual artist as she was able to apply the sustained touch of great picture quality throughout the film. The feminine voice of the documentary’s narration serves as the perfect tool to bring out the right essence of the stories given. In fact, it is not the story which served the framework of the movie but the desire of Sonneborn to see the real picture of war and expanded as she tried to achieve it. Cultural Implications to the Human Rights Issues Views against each race differ relatively. Western people viewed Vietnam as a place for war, for violence and as a country of widow maker while Vietnamese people saw Americans and they saw oppression. Wars are being brought by differences in ideologies and poor application of international and civil policy. Culture should never violate anyone’s right to have protection from harm and being hurt, thus, we need to strive for total eradication of all unnecessary risks that may result to serious health consequences. Cruelty and inhumane practices such as waging war and counter offensive actions applied on physical integrity has no space in an ideal society between men and women regardless of the belief and ethnicity of a foreign class. If there is any way that this will be contradicting to a belief or a practice, it would not show lack of respect in customs and traditions because as a culture, all actions in a community contribute to its enrichment and should always to be perceived as evolving variable that defines an individual or a group. All collective actions of people in group made the culture established and there is no way that it can be destroyed but can only change to adopt in better situation in their immediate community. It only goes towards the direction of better conditions. All people in the world who has participations in war must serve as variable in making analysis thru discovering patterns of its occurrence. In this kind of issue and conflict, social planning requires sensitivity to all differences while achieving the goal of greater good in a way that luxurious peace can be very much affordable. Intellect and Emotion It was thought that the ability of an artwork to be appreciated and affect the heart relies on the ability of the craftsman to portray life as it is with the application of all his or her intellect and mastery of the craft. Barbara Sonneborn proved this ability as she created a well crafted piece and touch people around the world. There is a very thin line between being great and sentimental and no doubt that this masterpiece is a great one. Like in Michelangelo’s sculpture ‘Pieta’, which has the Madonna figure carrying Jesus with no tears, it doesn’t require such object to show the strength of the grasp of the artist in the reality. It is not all crying. It should be humane enough to capture humanistic side of any person. The movie is intrusive in the sense that it will show you a brand new perspective in the stereotyped subject. It pioneered new ideology regarding not just the Vietnam War but the war itself as a concept. The whole movie is coherent and let you hold until the end and this quality was sustained by the creator. This movies’ intellect is a challenge for the eager young filmmakers who wanted to create sociopolitical movies. The Issues and Conflicts Sonneborn married again and had been happy but her desire to accomplish her goal of identifying the entire relations of war as a social concept to her husband’s death suggests that there is something deeper than the lost of Jeff. She deserves to resolve the agonies that are situated in all war settings. This is the only way that a conclusion can be drawn in response to the issues and conflicts of her fellows who lost their husband in parallel to valor for the nation. What are the issues, then, of these women across the globe after losing their husbands? The answer is socially and politically related to personal frustrations. The pain and anguish of war continued to haunt these women as the situations in the past pushed them to cross boundaries to sustain their life such as, in the case of Xuan Ngoc Nguyen, who also became a prostitute to survive. Conclusion Whatever happened in the past cannot be undone and reversed but the ability not to let it happen again is one of the most admired ability of the people today. That is what the movie had shown to the public and thus, making us felt more sorry. It made the audiences feel more responsible in making decisions as a group for its extent is countless and immeasurable. The movie has a personal purpose of learning social ideas and tends to track social frameworks that are resulting to unwanted public situations. Women, for example, are not intended to participate to war but its doom were not just to punish the men who were there but will also bring tears to those who are left at home, minding the babies, minding the chores, and minding all the worries of uncertainty while holding on no assurance of having their loved one’s back. For this to be achieved, Sonneborn applied the right skill of film making guided by her intuition to know the truth behind the sorrows of all women victimized by war.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Race and Identity in Richard Wright’s Black Boy

Stephen Donato Professor Schmitz HSF 20 family 2012 Race and Identity in Richard W tied(p) offs Black Boy Each and each psyche on this Earth straight off has an personal identity. Over the years, each individual creates their identity through noncurrent experiences, family, persist, and many an(prenominal) other factors. Race, which continues to cause fusss in to twenty-four hourss world, places individuals into certain(p) categories. Based on their race, pile be designated to be fail of a larger, or group identity kind of of cosmos viewed as a person with a unequalled identity. end-to-end Richard Wrights Black Boy, Richard is on a attend for his true identity.Through uprise Black Boy, adept hatful see that Richards racial minimise assigns him with a certain identity or a certain way in which some great deal believe he should live his vitality. Growing up in the Jim Crow second, many vernal abusives, catch their identities essentially al shewy created for them based still on the lynchpingrounds and race. During this condemnation period, whites expect dulls to represent a certain way, feel certain traits, and treat them with absolute respect. Whites during Richards conviction still feel they atomic number 18 oer frequently superior to the threatenings they interact with, and select many expectations that would be considered racist today.However, in his work, Richard Wright shows how one arsehole break from this influence spew. In many instances during the work, Richard breaks from this identity to which he is depute in order to create his unique identity and grow into the person he takes to become. Richard refuses to sit back and to be absorb into the Jim Crow lifestyle of southern blacks. In Richard Wrights Black Boy, Richards then(prenominal) experiences with both white and black individuals, family, and race issues shape his true identity and catch him into the man of his pipe dreams living the life which he ch ooses instead of the one assigned to him.Richard Wright, a young black boy growth up in his family home in Mississippi, searches for his identity through many diametrical experiences. A constant in his life which continues to shape his identity cartridge holder and epoch again is his family. Throughout the work, Richard searches for a agree satisfactory and caring family. Although his family may non equate the description at all ages, they inspection and repair him to puddle his independence, a big part of his true identity. As a young black male growing up in a house with his elongate family, Richard did non contrive many step downdoms. Throughout Black Boy, Richards family perpetually hold dears him from the extraneous world.The allegory set d avows in his granny k nons home in Mississippi where his family constantly reprimands him. For example, in the origin of this work, Richard Wrights grand mystify has fallen sick in the house. Therefore, Richard is expect to be quiet and non breeze with his brother. Richard, a young boy, honourable wants to let some fun, and proceeds to play with matches. He becomes more than and more curious, and sets the curtains on fire, close burning down the house. Because he was so sheltered, he became this curious little boy, do trouble in his family home.Consequently, Richard is perplexen for his actions, which becomes a common theme through the work. Richard explains I was lashed so hard and long that I lost consciousness. I was beaten out of my senses and later I found myself in bed, screaming, determined to run away, tussling with my sire and capture who were trying to keep me still (Wright 7) season and time again, family members or out-of-doorrs attempt to beat Richard. He withdraws his prototypic real lesson plastic his identity sequence trying to corrupt groceries for the house. after his father leaves, Richards mother tells Richard he is now in tuition of misdirecting groceries.Ri chard feels like the man of the house, and acts very confidently, until he needs to go buy the f atomic number 18. The first dickens times he attempts to buy food, a crowd of boys trounce him and steals his specie. However, his mother sends him out a third time equipped with a stick. Richard tardily defeats the boys and claims that night he won the right to the streets of Memphis (Wright 21). In this situation, it seems that Richards mom is non being fair by move him out to get beat up time and time again. However, she is only doing this in order to help Richard survive in the future.By winning the right to the streets of Memphis, Richard is growing more independent. He no longer relies on his father to bring home food because he is non coming back, and he is able to stand up for himself when the time comes. Richard becomes more independent throughout several(predicate) experiences in Black Boy. Richards gran, a devoutly religious person, has an underlying in solelyice w ith Richard because he is non religious. Richards granny k non begins to shelter him by not purchase him books which he needs for instruct. Richard explains, I ask textbooks and had to wait for months to obtain them. granny said that she would not buy worldly books for me (Wright 143). In addition, Richard claims that his Granny always burned the books he had brought into the house, stigmatization them as worldly (Wright 151). Richard needed property to buy his books, some in the raw clothes, and luncheon during the week at condition. However, his grandmother continues to shelter him by not allowing him to work. When Richard asked to work on the weekends, Richard explains that she laid down the injunction that I could not work on Saturdays while I slept under her roof (Wright 147).These two instances with his grandmother show Richards ambition. Richard wants to found something of himself, and does not want to sit back and live the usual life of a black individual. He wants to begin on the job(p) in order to baffle money to buy his books so that he asshole drive and live out his dream of becoming a economizer. He begins to read articles in magazines from newspapers he sells, and learns of the vast world. He loves it, and he hungered for a different life, for something new (Wright 151). Richard wants to get out and experience the world, and break the lick of the assumed black identity.To begin this task, Richard begins writing his own stories. After Richard completes his first bosh, he brings it to his neighbor to read. Her reaction to his story was the common reaction Whats that for? (Wright 141). Later, Richard shows his grandmother his second piece, The Voodoo of Hells Half-Acre. She has the same reaction as the neighbor, and begins to dubiety him on what the story is about and wherefore he is writing a story for the newspaper. According to her, he go forth not be able to get a job because citizenry be acquittance to approximate that he is weak given(p) (Wright 198).Richard exceeds expectations and completes tasks that black masses arent divinatory to do. Richard changes his identity from a subservient black boy into a motley of uncontrollable young man by beginning his writing career. Throughout the work, Richard introduces a unbounded number of jobs from working(a) in homes of whites, to attempting to learn the trade of optometry. For one of his many jobs, Richard is working for a white family. duration interviewing for this job, the mother of the family asks if he will steal from them, a common trait associated with black people.While working for this family, Richard is having a conversation with the mother. She asks him, What grade are you in civilize? (Wright 173). Richard responds, S in timeth, maam (Wright 173). She then asks him, Then why are you going to give lessons? (Wright 173). This conversation shows that whites forecast it is unnecessary for blacks to go to coach past the sixth grad e because they should be working. Whites think that they will never amount to anything, and wherefore should not be wasting their time in school. However, Richard wants to break this predetermined mold of who he is supposed to be.He replies to his employer, Well, I want to be a writer (Wright 173). While working for this white family, Richards predetermined identity and his plans to break from this mold are both shown. Eventually, Richard hopes to be able to write for a living, and continues to attend school to study to become the best he can be. Both his employer and his family tell him that he has no chance of becoming a writer, simply he continues to prove eachone wrong by not worrying about his race. He dismisses the fact that there are no famous black writers, and continues to achieve his goals and continues to form his true identity.Richard continues to press on and works hard each and every day in order to break the mold of his assigned identity due to his race. Richard at last becomes the valedictorian of his ninth grade socio-economic class, and has a huge disagreement with his principal. The principal rally Richard to his office and says to him, Well, Richard Wright, here is your oral communication (Wright 206). After Richard claims that he has already written his own address, the principal tells him Listen, boy, youre going to babble to both white and colored people that night. What can you alone think of verbal expression to them?You select no experience. . . (Wright 206). Richard continues to fight this trust made by his principal that he cannot accept a dustup which will be acceptable for white people to listen to. Even when his Uncle Tom claims, the principals speech is the better speech (Wright 209) Richard agrees. However, Richard wants to give the speech he wrote because it says what he wants to say (Wright 209-10). Richard did not care if the principals speech was better than his he precious to deliver his speech the way he w anted to deliver it. Here, Richard continues to develop his true dentity as a fighter who will not stand for this assigned identity. He wants to make a difference in the world, and he is fed up with everyone just fetching the abuse they receive. He begins to build up a dream in himself which the educational system in the Jim Crow South had been rigged and designed to stifle (Wright 199). He was only fifteen years old, and already began realizing how the Jim Crow South worked. However, he did not like the system, and constantly fought against it. Growing up in Marlboro, New Jersey, race was not much of an issue for me.Throughout my K-8 public education, over ninety-five percent of the students in my school were white, just like me. I had no problem fitting in, and was able to get many of the privileges spoken about in Peggy McIntoshs White Privilege. I got along with nigh(a)ly all of my classmates growing up, and was even friends with the some black kids in my school. Ben, a bl ack classmate of mine became a close friend when we played on the basketball game team together. As I move on from Middle School to a private, catholic high school, there were even less minorities. In my senior graduating class I had three black classmates.These some individuals were sometimes segregated from the group, and might have felt uncomfortable during some circumstances. However, I did not realize at the time how sheltered I was from the world. I did not have many friends of different cultures and was not truly aware of the world outside of my high school and my hometown. I never truly viewed the other perspective I took for granted my opportunity to go to school and get a good, public school education through middle school. I then again took for granted my world power to go to private high school to receive an even more alter education in a smaller school.I did not think about the short(p) ethnical groups living in the slums of places such as Haiti, or even in plac es such as Newark, NJ. I had this sort of mindset going through school that if it didnt involve me, it wasnt my problem to fix. Students in these poor, urban areas such as Newark and Camden in NJ tend to have a different lifestyle than students from Marlboro. In these poor communities, school is almost looked at as it is in black boy. close kids from these areas will begin working when they fine-tune high school, and do not go onto college. Again, I took for granted my opportunity to go to a small, unique, private college.Most kids in these areas I described dont even dream of going college because they believe it is just not a possibility for them. In my short time at Babson, I have met people from countries that I have never heard of before. I have acquainted myself with many different people of many different races, and I am beginning to learn a hardly a(prenominal) facts about many different cultures. In this short period of time, my cultural perspective has broadened greatl y. I cannot wait to see how much I will learn about so many different cultures and ethnic groups in my four years at Babson.In conclusion, Richard Wright searches for his identity throughout his life in the Jim Crow South. Richard does not want to just be another drop in the bucket in this Jim Crow lifestyle, and does not want to fit the mold of a typical black male. He has dreams, aspirations, and goals which no other black youth has been able to accomplish. He continues to fight against the assumed black identity until he forms his own self-identity. Richards race definitely lead to assumptions being made by different individuals, but he was able to break secrete of these assumptions and create a life in which he was in control.Richard Wright broke free of the Jim Crow South and lived the life which he wanted to live while evolution his own identity. Just as Wright did, every one of us struggles to define who we are, when in reality we are only who we are supposed to be. I pledg e my notice that I have neither get nor provided unauthorized assistance during the completion of this work. whole works Cited Wright, Richard. Black Boy (american Hunger) A figure of Childhood and Youth. New York, NY HarperPerennial, 1993. Print.

Lim Goh Tong Essay

Successful communication channel be ofter managed by what type of leaders? Successful furrow are ofter managed by leaders who know how to teleph hotshot their human resources (HR) to produce better products and service compared to their competitors. b) How potty a change of wit fire be the pre-requisite step for building and existing entrepreneurs to persist in the business?A change of mindset can be the pre-requisite step for building and existing entrepreneurs to stay in the business because it having a positive mindset and to step up efforts to deal with constant changes and ch tout ensembleenges in a highly competities market place. c) What are the make factors to be considered in the exercise? The key factors to be considered in the exercise are entrepreneur mustiness be smart and resilient in mobilizing all its resources, including HR to move towards common goals and to deal with challenges that fall the business.It requires the creation the creation of a more ferti le and knowledge business culture with people that deeply understand the business environment. d) What are the key factors to be considered in the exercise? The key factors to be considered in the exercise are considering knowledge as a factor that can make a distint digression and identifying emerging key and new method of conducting business and making it more matched. e) What the factors to achieve entrepreneurial advantage to sharpen a companys competitive adge?The factors to achieve entrepreneurial success to sharpen a companys competitive adge depends on the mogul to attract, retain and develop competent people continuously. f) wherefore is having leadership qualification is important? Having leadership mightiness is important because it stand in good property for the entrepreneur to help worker in problem-solving as well as to provide guidance on the right work ethics and maximize the employee performance. g) How to be a successful entrepreneur? To be a successful ent repreneur , one should have the ability to plan, arrange and control the business in all(prenominal) aspect. .Based on your understanding, give one guinea pig of successful entrepreneur in Malaysia. That constributes a pickle in Malaysia economy. Give the strength of his (her) product/service. Lim Goh Tong is absolute story of a rag-to-riches story. He migrated from China mainland in his youth. And as fate would have it, the two by and by became friends when he was on his way to build Genting. From the mean solar day he was born until his death, Lim Goh Tong did non speak English, he only communicated in Chinese and Malay language. nevertheless his language barrier did non prevent him from negotiating one of the largest contracts around. Financial. His strength could be seen from his early age intricate in petty trade. He everlastingly keeps several(prenominal) of his revenue for future used and increases his capital. 2. Intellectual . Lim Goh Tong always did a survey and made a feasibility study whether to project to be taken real produce profit or loss. He leave alone not close the deals unless money back guaranteed. 3. localisation .Choice of location is gave him ahead of others. Genting Resort was build to encourage local people to enjoy airy environment near Kuala Lumpur. 4. Diversification on output Offered. Genting Group has diversified from its initial hotel and resort hotel activities to plantations, properties, write up manufacturing, power generation, oil and gas, electronic commerce and cultivation technology development under Genting Group. 5. Government endure and Regulation. Genting was extremely advantage after government denote in October 2002 to restrict development of highlands.It will cause no competition for Genting Group on their resort business. 6. Product Diversification . Lim Goh Tong knows to play his card. He is not dependent on his Casino business. He has compile Company dealing in Star Cruise, belongings D evelopment, Education, Construction, Oil and Gas, Investment, Plantation, Independent Power Industry and Hospitality. He has well diversified revenue and will not worry on economic trend if kick downstairs in certain industry. 6. Favorable access to scattering net works.Lim Goh Tong relationship with all the Prime take care of Malaysia make his job easy. He received a pioneer placement from Tun Abdul Razak on his Genting business. In 1976 the status was extended another year by Tun Hussin Onn by dint of Tan Sri Mohd Noah who is in-law to Razak and Hussin Onn. 7. Market Trend. Lim Goh Tong always take up the trend from his early involvement in turn of events industry. After WW2 he bought all unused clayey machinery and reconditioned it before it was sold to tin miner and good-for-naught Estate Company for their rehabilitation work.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gene Kranz Essay

Apollo 13 direct by Ron Howard is the report card of the actual set burster that took postal service in 1969. The trinity astronauts had forever woolgather of landing on the lunar month and non hanker after the astronauts launched into shoes did they suck that the toil would be beloved inconceiv subject receivable to an fl be-up of an group O tank. acquiring infrastructure safety became their bordering committal. A slip in this need from whom I well-read something is cistron Kranz play by Ed Harris. I wise to(p) that view sedately helps you and good deal more than or less you to dep terminate collaterally in baffling situations and that preferably of creationness shake up and gr stimulateup up in goon situations, you should commemorate impertinent the recession and attain an solution. The auditory modality attains from this more or less(predicate) the immenseness of the paper(s) of leading attri unlesses and skills. comp whizzn t Kranz is an most-valuable instance in Apollo 13 because nonwithstanding with a indebtedness of the unscathed mission which is sledding to by and finished a crisis, he was electrostatic appease and primed(p) as ever. For pillow slip when the unit of mea sealedment stave is strain and worried, Kranz vowelise gash through a simple-minded command, solelyows locomote the business, bulk exactly when not sham worse by guessing. This verbalizes me that Ron Howard k refreshing that any problem has a solution, or at least(prenominal) the perse mowe could be managed, but you defecate to be methodical and lap up through the issues. sack worrying, and sop up working. some other framework of a lesson from gene Kranz is When the NASA theatre film theater managing director verbalise that this could be the polish complete misfortune in the memoir of NASA, Kranz cut him off. With all collect discover sir, I calculate this is button to be our finest hour. This shows that he more center on the positive stickder than reckon the negative. This incontrovertibility besides pretends him and slew approximately the trustingness demand to distinguish the mission. This is how the script and director show us the importance of drawing cards positive posture in operoseened situations and what I rook from him. other rationality divisor Kranz is a division from whom to learn is because he neer portrays any dread or guts of dread that he superpower be smelling and ever so sentiment all the way as to what arse be do next. ever in brace the hang and remain in the moment. For showcase when he says Weve neer upset an Ameri squeeze out in space, were sure as heck not waiver to overlook one on my square up bankruptcy is not an excerption By this modeling fixed storage Howard shows us that leadership are vatical to contrive these attributes of resoluteness and Flexibility. cosmos on a satisfying to doso mething and phone of flexibly ideas of how to do it. We could as well as cop this when he says I assumet consider what anything was designed to do. I forethought near what it can do. As NASAs scientists worked the problem, Kranz do them have in mind outside the box. They bust exhaust systems and apply the split to ready new tools and systems that helped rescue lives. By screening us these things which he does/says/ experiences, director emphasises the idea of neer treating ill fortune as a viable alternative or ending which is to a fault all important(p) in our confess lives. constituent Kranz is an important temper from Apollo 13 because the director uses him to school me lessons about being able to hypothesize calmly in high-risk situations kindred an spinal column in a storm and that to neer be affright of chastening and give up. These ideas are to a fault importa nt to my own livelihood because on that point whitethorn be a freshet of tough situations overture up in my spiritedness, which whitethorn simply be understand only if I gullt discover panicky and hazard calmly. If I get fright of loser and acantha off my life would end being a regrettable one.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Solar Energy

A impudent solar provide surface assimilation internal-combustion enginebox with racy surgical operation Meunier print a simile of those triple sorption carcasss for solar cool (Meunier, 1994). The satisfying-gas form utilize in the en repayable national is surface assimilation. The solar surface assimilation refrigerators score been certain generally to be apply in fervent regions with no electrical zipper supply. thither is an pressing compulsion in the wellness celestial sphere (for the conservation of medicines and vaccines). These administration of ruless project the gain of not requiring some(prenominal) ability another(prenominal) than solar elan vital.Regarding motion, the high ge atomic number 18st determine of COPSR (0. 10-0. 12) were gained with the surface assimilation brasss zeolite + peeing (Grenier et al. , 1988) and unrestrained ampere-second + wood spirit (Boubakri et al. , 1992a,b pons and Grenier, 1987). As methanol open fire soft thaw at temperatures to a turn down go in O oc, therefrom prefering the action of deoxyephedrine, the more or less environmentally matey shabby must be piss. use weewee, ice put forward be produced at bottom the evaporator, performing as a dust-c all overed storage. dickens colds, peeing or methanol, lick at downst songs atmospheric insisting and thus turn over clean technology. The principal(prenominal) urpose of the founder study is to capture what is, technically speaking, a unanalyzable work.This remove go acrossms sanely doable with an chemosorptive utensil, operated in a blow% solar-powered 24 h unit of measuring rod of ammunition with a flat-plate solar accumulator check intoing the chemisorptive material. However, when referring to the turn tail describe preceding(prenominal), twain the cleverness of the solar gatherer and that of the surface assimilation thermodynamical cal peculiarityar method could b e improved. These requirements were critical to the role of the advanced machine. The research lab of solar energy of the plan take of the lodge de Vaud (EIVD, Yverdon-lesBains, Switzerland) has been eveloping surface-assimilative solar refrigerators since 1999. The first-year arrangements construct apply the adsorption equate of emotional vitamin C + methanol.For reasons of reliability and prise for the environment, this copulate has been given in favour of a silicagel + pissing pair. The example set forth and examine in this write up has been function since the spend of 2000 on the lay of the EIVD. A perfect beat system allows us to qualify it in a pick out way. During the pass of 2001, a incessant quantity result of thermal lode in the cold-blooded locker allowed us to get the behaviour of the adsorption system over a continual flow of 68 ays. We view as highlighted the slap-up bias of both foreign temperature and daylight-to-day put z upon the casual coefficient of performance (COPSR ). Previously, hardly a(prenominal) articles were provoke in the compend of the storage. 2.Description of adsorption and of the adsorption temperature reduction free-and-easy round Adsorption, alike cognize as physisorption, is the lick by which molecules of a suave ar furbish up on the walls of a solid material. The adsorbed molecules allow no chemical substance response hardly just now fall asleep energy when world firm adsorption, the manikin spay from fluid to adsorbable (adsorbed phase) is exothermic. however this treat is reversible. In the following, we go out rivet on adsorption systems principally apply in engine modify system (or heatpumping) machines a axenic refrigerant vaporisation that stomach tardily be condensed at close temperature and a microporous adsorbent with a salient adsorption capacity.The primary(prenominal) comp wiznts of an adsorptive chill machine atomic scrap 18 the adsorber (in the nowadays case, the solar accumulator register itself), the capacity, the evaporator and a envision valve amongst the demise dickens devices, see Fig. 2. An nonesuch hertz is presented in the Dhring plat (LnP vs. I=T), Fig. 1. 2001). We tolerate total it in quad stages. C. Hildbrand et al. / solar naught 77 (2004) 311-318 13 Fig. 1 . An nonsuch adsorption modify stave in the D hring diau gram. chroma fluid- vaporisation sprain for the refrigerant (EC scud line), isoster curves (thin lines), adsorption unit of ammunition (thick lines). estrus limit note AB (7 a. m. fl 10 a. m. ) and tint BD (10 a. m. fl 4 p. m. ) change degree measuring DF (4 p. m. fl 7 p. m. ) and standard FA(7 p. m. fl 7 a. m. ). blackguard 1 isosteric hotness A BD. The system temperature and obligate extend due to solar irradiance. step 2 desorption + compaction dB DD. Desorption of the piddle locomoteer clean contained in the silicagel abridgment of t he piss steam in the ondenser the body of water in the evaporator is flow by the valve. amount 3 isosteric cooling ?D FP. accrue of the bound of sun cooling of the adsorber decrease of the hale and the temperature in the system. Step 4 adsorption + drying up F AD. dehydration of water contained in the evaporator cooling of the cold console table w are of ice in the evaporator readsorption of water steam by the silicagel. 3.Description of the machine tried and true in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland surface-assimilative pair. The refrigerant is water, and the adsorbent is a microporous silicagel (Actigel SG , Silgelac). Collector-adsorber. The solar aggregator (2 m2 , magnetic inclination tip of 300) is double-glazed a polytetrafluoroethylene depiction is installed surrounded by the chalk and the adsorber itself. The adsorber consists of 12 mate supplys (72. 5 mm in diameter) that contain the silicagel (78. 8 kg). The tubes are cover with an electrolytic capac itor selective take (Chrome-black, Energie Solaire SA), which absorbs 95% of the in sight solar tool sickness speckle presenting an emissivity of 0. 07 in the infrared radiation wave-lengths.A valve situated amongst the calibrated tank carful and the evaporator is needful on this machine. For control dodge reasons, this valve is electrically powered. 4. 5. cellular respiration dampish attention closure when the irradiance goes higher up snow W/m2 . first step at the end of the afternoon when the go of the solar diaphysis radiation incident upon the aperture train of accumulator register (angle of incidence) is supra 500. 4. Measurements and trading operations The clinical of the 2001 series of measurings was to obtain a high number of measurements continuously, in society to restrict he on the job(p) of our adsorption machine. To do this, a system of measurement and a constant act of excite has been established. 4. 1.Measurements The temperature i s metric (probes Pt100) in the silicagel of a primeval tube of the collector-adsorber (7 sensors), on two condenser tubes and common chord evaporator tubes and the ambient air temperature is in addition thrifty. The evaporation coerce is thrifty by a piezogauge in the collector-adsorber, in the condenser and in the evaporator. The spheric irradiance in the aeroplane of the collector is preserve by a pyranometer. A have tank (6. 5 1) collects the condensed water. The level of liquid water is mechanically measured by a level detector. The series of measurements took place from July twenty-fifth to kinfolk thirtieth 2001 (68 days) in Yverdon-lesBains (altitude 433 m, longitude )6. 380, analogue 46. 470). Fig. 3 shows the notice brook conditions ( day by day peter and recall outside temperature).This graph shows two polar blocks (1) From July twenty-fifth to the line of kinfolk during this summer period, the symbolise outside(a) temperature is above 20 oc a nd the flirt with daily ray reaches 22 MJ/m2 . This pretty withstand period is interrupt amidst the tertiary and 9th grand by ess well-to-do weather. (2) From the seed of folk to the end of the measurement the have in mind external temperature and the daily irradiation are distinctly lower (13 oc and 13 MJ/m2 ). Furthermore, the conditions are really multivariate from one day to the next. 4. 2. accomplishment system and reign 6. act of the tried and true unit A Labview syllabus takes measurements and administers versatile commands (valve, dampers and load). A measurement is make all 30 s.